
brown rat
common domestic rat; serious pest worldwide
Syn: ↑Norway rat, ↑Rattus norvegicus
Hypernyms: ↑rat
Hyponyms: ↑wharf rat, ↑sewer rat
Member Holonyms: ↑Rattus, ↑genus Rattus

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: the common domestic rat (Rattus norvegicus)

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brown rat noun
The larger and commoner of the two British rats (often black)
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Main Entry:brown

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brown rat,
a common rat, having coarse, brown fur, found on ships, in houses, and in buildings virtually everywhere in the world; Norway rat.

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n. a rat found throughout the world, often living in association with man and regarded as a pest. It is commonly kept as a laboratory animal and as a pet, and is also bred in the albino form. Also called , Norway rat. Rattus norvegicus, family Muridae

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ˌbrown ˈrat 7 [brown rat] (also ˌcommon ˈrat, ˌNorway ˈrat) noun
a common type of ↑rat
See also:Norway rat common rat

Useful english dictionary. 2012.