
a member of a group of Siouan people who constituted a division of the Teton Sioux
Hypernyms: ↑Teton, ↑Lakota, ↑Teton Sioux, ↑Teton Dakota

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\(ˈ)brü|lā, ˈbrül(ē)\ noun (plural brulé or brulés)
Usage: usually capitalized
Etymology: Canadian French, from French brûlé, past participle
: an Indian people constituting a subdivision of the Teton Dakotas

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/brooh lay", brooh"lee/; Fr. /brddyuu lay"/, n., pl. brulés /-layz", -leez/; Fr. /-lay"/.
1. (in the Pacific Northwest) an area of forest destroyed by fire.
2. Canadian. land covered with rocks or scrub growth.
Also, brulée.
[1785-95, Amer.; < F: burnt, ptp. of brûler; see BROIL1]

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brûlé /broo-lā/ (cookery)
With a coating of caramelized sugar
ORIGIN: Fr, burnt

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brule, -inge, brullynge
obs. ff. broil, -ing.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.