
add up
1. develop into (Freq. 4)

This idea will never amount to anything


nothing came of his grandiose plans

Syn: ↑come, ↑amount
Hypernyms: ↑become, ↑turn
Hyponyms: ↑aggregate
Verb Frames:

Something ——s something

2. determine the sum of (Freq. 2)

Add all the people in this town to those of the neighboring town

total, ↑tot, ↑tot up, ↑sum, ↑sum up, ↑summate, ↑tote up, ↑add, ↑add together, ↑tally
Derivationally related forms:
tally (for: ↑tally), ↑addible (for: ↑add), ↑additive (for: ↑add), ↑addable (for: ↑add), ↑addition (for: ↑add), ↑adder (for: ↑add), ↑sum (for: ↑summate), ↑sum (for: ↑sum), ↑summation (for: ↑sum), ↑total (for: ↑total)
Hypernyms: ↑count, ↑number, ↑enumerate, ↑numerate
Verb Group: ↑add, ↑add together
Verb Frames:

Somebody ——s something


Something ——s something

3. add up in number or quantity

The bills amounted to $2,000


The bill came to $2,000

Syn: ↑total, ↑number, ↑come, ↑amount
Derivationally related forms: ↑amount (for: ↑amount), ↑number (for: ↑number), ↑total (for: ↑total)
Hypernyms: ↑be
Hyponyms: ↑work out, ↑outnumber, ↑average, ↑average out, ↑make
Verb Frames:

Something ——s something

4. be reasonable or logical or comprehensible
Syn: ↑make sense
Hypernyms: ↑be
Verb Frames:

Something ——s


It ——s that CLAUSE

Useful english dictionary. 2012.