
bush honeysuckle
1. a honeysuckle shrub of southern Russia to central Asia
Syn: ↑Tartarian honeysuckle, ↑Lonicera tatarica
Hypernyms: ↑honeysuckle
Member Holonyms: ↑Lonicera, ↑genus Lonicera
2. bush honeysuckle of southeastern United States having large crowded clusters of sulfur-yellow flowers
Syn: ↑Diervilla sessilifolia
Hypernyms: ↑shrub, ↑bush
Member Holonyms: ↑Diervilla, ↑genus Diervilla
3. spreading bush of northeastern United States having small clusters of fragrant green and yellow flowers
Syn: ↑Diervilla lonicera
Hypernyms: ↑shrub, ↑bush
Member Holonyms: ↑Diervilla, ↑genus Diervilla

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1. : a plant of the genus Diervilla; especially : a shrub (D. lonicera) of the northeastern United States having opposite leaves and fragrant yellow flowers
2. : any of several shrubby honeysuckles of the genus Lonicera (especially L. tatarica)

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any of several shrubs of the genus Diervilla, of eastern North America, having clusters of yellowish flowers.
[1810-20, Amer.]

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bush honeysuckle,
a low shrub native to North America extensively cultivated for its profuse, yellow flowers.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.