
European weed widely naturalized in North America having yellow flower heads and leaves resembling a cat's ears
Syn: ↑cat's-ear, ↑California dandelion, ↑gosmore, ↑Hypochaeris radicata
Hypernyms: ↑weed
Member Holonyms: ↑Hypochaeris, ↑genus Hypochaeris, ↑Hypochoeris, ↑genus Hypochoeris

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\\ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷\ noun
Usage: often capitalized
Etymology: Cape Verde islands, Portuguese colony off West Africa + English weed
1. : an archil lichen (Roccella tinctoria) abundant in the Cape Verde islands
2. [Cape of Good Hope + English weed] : a low-growing yellow-flowered composite herb (Cryptostemma calendulacea) that is native to southern Africa but introduced into Australia and New Zealand where it is usually considered a troublesome weed
3. [Cape of Good Hope + English weed] : cat's-ear

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/kayp"weed'/, n.
a low-growing, creeping plant, Arctotheca calendulacea, used as a ground cover in warm climates.
[1875-80; CAPE2 (after the CAPE OF GOOD HOPE, where the plant is native) + WEED1]

Useful english dictionary. 2012.