
marine bivalve common in Philippine coastal waters characterized by a large thin flat translucent shell
Syn: ↑window oyster, ↑windowpane oyster, ↑Placuna placenta
Hypernyms: ↑oyster
Member Holonyms: ↑Placuna, ↑genus Placuna

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/keuh peez", ka-/, n.
1. a small marine bivalve of the genus Placuna, esp. P. placenta, common in Philippine coastal waters and some other parts of the Pacific Ocean.
2. Also called windowpane shell, windowglass shell. the squarish, translucent inner shell of Placuna used in making lamps, windowpane, and decorative objects.
[of unexplained orig.]

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capiz /kapˈiz/
The translucent shell of a bivalve mollusc (Placuna placenta) used in making jewellery, etc
ORIGIN: Tagálog

Useful english dictionary. 2012.