
\\| ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷\ noun
: five-and-ten

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fiveˈ-and-dimeˈ noun (US)
A shop selling cheap goods (orig costing five or ten cents)
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Main Entry:five

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five-and-dime UK US noun [countable] [singular five-and-dime plural five-and-dimes] [singular five-and-ten plural five-and-tens] american old-fashioned
a shop that sells a variety of goods that are not expensive
Thesaurus: types of shophyponym
Variant: five-and-ten

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five-and-dime «FYV uhn DYM», noun.
U.S. Informal. a dime store.

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(also five-and-dime store or five-and-ten) n. a store selling a wide variety of inexpensive household and personal goods
historical a store where all the articles were priced at five or ten cents

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/ˌfaıvənˈdaım/ noun, pl -dimes [count]
US old-fashioned : a store that sells inexpensive things

the local five-and-dime

called also dime store, five-and-ten /-ˈtɛn/

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ˌfive-and-ˈdime f10 [five-and-dime] (also ˈdime store) noun (old-fashioned, NAmE)
a shop/store that sells a range of cheap goods
See also:dime store

Useful english dictionary. 2012.