
adult male
an adult person who is male (as opposed to a woman)

there were two women and six men on the bus

Syn: ↑man
Ant: ↑woman (for: ↑man)
Derivationally related forms: ↑manly (for: ↑man)
Hypernyms: ↑male, ↑male person, ↑adult, ↑grownup
Black man, ↑white man, ↑yellow man, ↑babu, ↑baboo, ↑bachelor, ↑unmarried man, ↑bey, ↑boy, ↑boyfriend, ↑fellow, ↑beau, ↑swain, ↑young man, ↑ex-boyfriend, ↑bull, ↑bruiser, ↑strapper, ↑Samson, ↑dandy, ↑dude, ↑fop, ↑gallant, ↑sheik, ↑swell, ↑fashion plate, ↑clotheshorse, ↑ejaculator, ↑Esquire, ↑Esq, ↑eunuch, ↑castrate, ↑father figure, ↑father surrogate, ↑father-figure, ↑buster, ↑galoot, ↑geezer, ↑gentleman, ↑grass widower, ↑divorced man, ↑guy, ↑cat, ↑hombre, ↑bozo, ↑Herr, ↑Hooray Henry, ↑housefather, ↑hunk, ↑ex-husband, ↑ex, ↑inamorato, ↑iron man, ↑ironman, ↑ironside, ↑adonis, ↑middle-aged man, ↑Monsieur, ↑old boy, ↑old man, ↑greybeard, ↑graybeard, ↑Methuselah, ↑patriarch, ↑paterfamilias, ↑Peter Pan, ↑ponce, ↑posseman, ↑Senhor, ↑shaver, ↑signor, ↑signior, ↑signore, ↑sir, ↑stiff, ↑stud, ↑he-man, ↑macho-man, ↑Tarzan, ↑widower, ↑widowman, ↑womanizer, ↑womaniser, ↑philanderer, ↑wonder boy, ↑golden boy, ↑young buck
Instance Hyponyms:
Adam, ↑Cain, ↑Abel, ↑Seth, ↑Ham, ↑Japheth, ↑Shem
Part Meronyms: ↑adult male body, ↑man's body

Useful english dictionary. 2012.