
n. & v.
1 a that which produces an effect, or gives rise to an action, phenomenon, or condition. b a person or thing that occasions something. c a reason or motive; a ground that may be held to justify something (no cause for complaint).
2 a reason adjudged adequate (show cause).
3 a principle, belief, or purpose which is advocated or supported (faithful to the cause).
4 a a matter to be settled at law. b an individual's case offered at law (plead a cause).
5 the side taken by any party in a dispute.
1 be the cause of, produce, make happen (caused a commotion).
2 (foll. by to + infin.) induce (caused me to smile; caused it to be done).
Phrases and idioms:
in the cause of to maintain, defend, or support (in the cause of justice). make common cause with join the side of.
causable adj. causeless adj. causer n.
Etymology: ME f. OF f. L causa

Useful english dictionary. 2012.