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a radioactive transuranic element; discovered by bombarding curium with alpha particles
• Syn: ↑californium, ↑atomic number 98
• Hypernyms: ↑metallic element, ↑metal
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abbreviation1. calf
2. \pronounced like compare also (ˈ)sē|ef sometimes kənˈfər or -fə̄\ [Latin confer, imp. of conferre to compare — more at confer] compare
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1. Christian female.
2. Also, cf cubic foot; cubic feet.
3. cystic fibrosis.
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1. Chaplain to the Forces
2. (also cf or c and f) cost and freight
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cystic fibrosis http://www.macmillandictionary.com/med2cd/weblinks/cf.htm
Thesaurus: specific medical conditionshyponym general words for illnesses, diseases and medical conditionssynonym
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1. calf (of a bookbinding).
2. Baseball. a) center field. b) center fielder.
Cf (no period),
californium (chemical element).
CF (no periods),
cystic fibrosis.
1. coefficient of friction.
2. cost and freight.
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■ carried forward
■ cost and freight
■ cystic fibrosis
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— used to direct a reader to another idea, document, etc.
This article takes a new approach to the problems of today's inner cities. (Cf Smith's earlier article on the topic.)
◇ Cf comes from the Latin conferre, which means “to compare.”
Useful english dictionary. 2012.