
chalcid fly
any of various tiny insects whose larvae are parasites on eggs and larvae of other insects; many are beneficial in destroying injurious insects
Syn: ↑chalcidfly, ↑chalcid, ↑chalcid wasp
Hypernyms: ↑hymenopterous insect, ↑hymenopteran, ↑hymenopteron, ↑hymenopter
Hyponyms: ↑chalcis fly
Member Holonyms: ↑Chalcididae, ↑family Chalcididae, ↑Chalcidae, ↑family Chalcidae

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noun or chalcid wasp
: a usually minute insect of a large superfamily (Chalcidoidea) of Hymenoptera, a few being gall wasps or seed infesters but most being in their larval state parasitic on the eggs, larvae, or pupae of other insects, some living within and others upon the bodies of their hosts, feeding on their juices and tissues, and thus benefiting man by destroying many injurious insects — see clover seed chalcid

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chal|cid «KAL sihd», noun, or chalcid fly,
any one of a family of very small, four-winged insects whose larvae live as parasites on other insects.
[< New Latin Chalcides the genus name < Greek chalkós copper (from their color)]

Useful english dictionary. 2012.