
type genus of the Charadriidae: plovers
Syn: ↑genus Charadrius
Hypernyms: ↑bird genus
Member Holonyms: ↑Charadriidae, ↑family Charadriidae
Member Meronyms:
piping plover, ↑Charadrius melodus, ↑killdeer, ↑kildeer, ↑killdeer plover, ↑Charadrius vociferus, ↑dotterel, ↑dotrel, ↑Charadrius morinellus, ↑Eudromias morinellus

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\\kəˈradrēəs\ noun
Usage: capitalized
Etymology: New Latin, from Late Latin, a bird, perhaps the thick-knee, from Greek charadrios, from charadra ravine; akin to Greek charassein to sharpen, cut into furrows — more at character
: a genus (the type of the family Charadriidae) of plovers comprising small or medium-sized birds (as the piping plover) but sometimes (as formerly) including also the golden plovers

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Charadrius /ka-radˈri-əs/
The plover genus, giving name to the family Charadˈriidae
ORIGIN: Gr charadrios a bird, prob the thick knee

Useful english dictionary. 2012.