
herbaceous perennials: shellflower
Syn: ↑genus Chelone
Hypernyms: ↑asterid dicot genus
Member Holonyms: ↑Scrophulariaceae, ↑family Scrophulariaceae, ↑figwort family, ↑foxglove family
Member Meronyms: ↑shellflower, ↑shell-flower, ↑turtlehead, ↑snakehead, ↑snake-head, ↑Chelone glabra

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I. \\keˈlōnē\ noun
Etymology: New Latin, from Greek chelōnē tortoise
1. capitalized : a small genus of perennial herbs (family Scrophulariaceae) of the eastern United States having serrate leaves and large white or purple flowers in nearly sessile spikes
2. -s : any plant of the genus Chelone — called also turtlehead
Etymology: New Latin, from Greek chelōnē
synonym of chelonia II

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chelone /kə-lōˈnē/
Any perennial N American plant of the genus Chelone, esp varieties cultivated for their lilac, pink or white flowers, the turtle-head
ORIGIN: Gr chelōnē tortoise

Useful english dictionary. 2012.