
Christmas box
a present given at Christmas for services during the year
Regions: ↑United Kingdom, ↑UK, ↑U.K., ↑Britain, ↑United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, ↑Great Britain
gratuity, ↑tip, ↑pourboire, ↑baksheesh, ↑bakshish, ↑bakshis, ↑backsheesh

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Christmas box noun
1. A box containing Christmas presents
2. A Christmas gift, often of money, to tradesmen, etc
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Main Entry:Christmas

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Christmas box UK US noun [countable] [singular Christmas box plural Christmas boxes] british
a small present or amount of money given at Christmas to someone who delivers things to your house such as the postman
Thesaurus: presents and giftssynonym relating to or connected with the christmas periodhypernym general words meaning to givesynonym

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Christmas box,
British. defn>(originally) a box used at Christmas for the presents of money to apprentices, servants, porters, and other helpers.
1. a tip given at Christmas to a servant or employee, or to public servants such as a letter carrier or policeman.
2. a) a Christmas present. b) a box of presents at Christmas.

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ˈChristmas box [Christmas box] noun (BrE, old-fashioned)
a small gift, usually of money, given at Christmas to sb who provides a service during the year, for example a ↑postman

Useful english dictionary. 2012.