
climb up
1. go upward with gradual or continuous progress (Freq. 3)

Did you ever climb up the hill behind your house?

Syn: ↑climb, ↑mount, ↑go up
See Also: ↑climb on (for: ↑climb), ↑climb down (for: ↑climb)
Derivationally related forms: ↑mount (for: ↑mount), ↑mounter (for: ↑mount), ↑mounting (for: ↑mount), ↑climb (for: ↑climb), ↑climber (for: ↑climb), ↑climbing (for: ↑climb)
rise, ↑lift, ↑arise, ↑move up, ↑go up, ↑come up, ↑uprise
Hyponyms: ↑scale, ↑escalade, ↑ramp, ↑mountaineer, ↑ride
Verb Frames:

Somebody ——s something


Somebody ——s PP

2. appear to be moving upward, as by means of tendrils

the vine climbed up the side of the house

Syn: ↑ascend
Verb Frames:

Something ——s

3. rise in rank or status

Her new novel jumped high on the bestseller list

Syn: ↑rise, ↑jump
Derivationally related forms: ↑jump (for: ↑jump)
Hypernyms: ↑change
Verb Frames:

Something ——s


Something is ——ing PP

Useful english dictionary. 2012.