
coconut palms
Syn: ↑genus Cocos
Hypernyms: ↑monocot genus, ↑liliopsid genus
Member Holonyms:
Palmae, ↑family Palmae, ↑Palmaceae, ↑family Palmaceae, ↑Arecaceae, ↑family Arecaceae, ↑palm family
Member Meronyms:
coconut, ↑coconut palm, ↑coco palm, ↑coco, ↑cocoa palm, ↑coconut tree, ↑Cocos nucifera

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\\ˈkōˌkäs\ noun
Usage: capitalized
Etymology: New Latin, from Portuguese côco — more at coco
: a genus of pinnate-leaved palms of which all except possibly the coconut palm are natives of tropical So. America and all are characterized by a large fruit with thick fibrous pericarp enclosing a bony nut — see coconut

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see coco1.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.