
colour bar
barrier preventing blacks from participating in various activities with whites
Syn: ↑color bar, ↑color line, ↑colour line, ↑Jim Crow
Hypernyms: ↑ideological barrier

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colour bar noun
Social discrimination esp by whites against other races
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Main Entry:colour

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colour bar UK US noun [singular]
a set of laws or customs, especially in the past, intended to stop black and white people living and working together and having equal status in society
Thesaurus: race relations and racismhyponym equal rightssynonym

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ˈcolour bar [colour bar] (especially US ˈcolor bar, color line) noun usually singular
a social system which does not allow black people the same rights as white people

South Africa's colour bar made marriages between different races illegal.

See also:color bar color line

Useful english dictionary. 2012.