
Agnes de Mille
United States dancer and choreographer who introduced formal dance to a wide audience (1905-1993)
Syn: ↑de Mille, ↑Agnes George de Mille
Instance Hypernyms: ↑dancer, ↑professional dancer, ↑terpsichorean, ↑choreographer

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Agnes De Mille [Agnes De Mille]
(1905–93) a US dancer and ↑choreographer. She created a new type of dance for ↑Broadway musical shows when she combined ↑ballet with popular music for ↑Oklahoma! (1943) and later for Carousel (1945) and Paint Your Wagon (1951). Her ballets included Black Ritual (1940) and Fall River Legend (1948). In the early part of her career she danced in London with the Rambert Ballet Company. Her uncle was Cecil B De Mille. The truest expression of a people is in its dances and its music. Bodies never lie. Agnes de Mille

Useful english dictionary. 2012.