
compact disk
a digitally encoded recording on an optical disk that is smaller than a phonograph record; played back by a laser
Syn: ↑compact disc, ↑CD
Hypernyms: ↑optical disk, ↑optical disc, ↑recording
audio CD, ↑audio compact disc, ↑CD-R, ↑compact disc recordable, ↑CD-WO, ↑compact disc write-once, ↑CD-ROM, ↑compact disc read-only memory

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an optical disk approximately 43/4 in. (12 cm) in diameter, on which a program, data, music, etc., is digitally encoded for a laser beam to scan, decode, and transmit to a playback system, computer monitor, or television set. Abbr.: CD Cf. optical disk (def. 1).

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compact disk or compact disc,
1. a digital disk without grooves whose sounds are picked up by a laser.
2. Compact Disc, a trademark for such a disk. Abbr: CD (no periods).

Useful english dictionary. 2012.