
adj. & n.
1 a averse to rapid change. b (of views, taste, etc.) moderate, avoiding extremes (conservative in his dress).
2 (of an estimate etc.) purposely low; moderate, cautious.
3 (Conservative) of or characteristic of Conservatives or the Conservative Party.
4 tending to conserve.
1 a conservative person.
2 (Conservative) a supporter or member of the Conservative Party.
Phrases and idioms:
Conservative Judaism Judaism allowing only minor changes in traditional ritual etc. Conservative Party
1 a British political party promoting free enterprise and private ownership.
2 a similar party elsewhere. conservative surgery surgery that seeks to preserve tissues as far as possible.
conservatism n. conservatively adv. conservativeness n.
Etymology: ME f. LL conservativus (as conserve)

Useful english dictionary. 2012.