
control panel
electrical device consisting of a flat insulated surface that contains switches and dials and meters for controlling other electrical devices

he checked the instrument panel


suddenly the board lit up like a Christmas tree

Syn: ↑instrument panel, ↑control board, ↑board, ↑panel
Hypernyms: ↑electrical device
Hyponyms: ↑dashboard, ↑fascia
Part Meronyms: ↑idiot light

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: panelboard 3

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1. See control board.
2. Computers.
a. the portion of a computer console that contains manual controls for regulating computer operations.
b. plugboard (def. 2).

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control panel or control board noun
A panel or board containing dials, switches and gauges for operating and monitoring electrical or other apparatus
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Main Entry:control

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control panel,
a panel containing the instruments, switches, gauges, or other devices, for the management and control of a complex mechanism, such as an aircraft, an electronic computer, or a guidance system: »

At zero, a finger pressed a red button in a control panel, and the missile, rising slowly and majestically, started on history's second Atlas flight (Time).

Useful english dictionary. 2012.