
county town
the town or city that is the seat of government for a shire
Syn: ↑shire town
Regions: ↑United Kingdom, ↑UK, ↑U.K., ↑Britain, ↑United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, ↑Great Britain
Hypernyms: ↑seat
Part Holonyms: ↑shire

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now chiefly Britain : county seat

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county town noun
The town in which the public business of the county is transacted
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Main Entry:county

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county town UK US noun [countable] [singular county town plural county towns] british
the town in a county where its government is based
Thesaurus: towns, cities and villageshyponym

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county seat or county town,
the town or city where the government of a county is located.

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noun, pl ⋯ towns [count]
Brit :county seat

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ˌcounty ˈtown [county town] (BrE) (NAmE ˌcounty ˈseat) noun
the main town of a county, where its government is

Useful english dictionary. 2012.