
wading bird of South America and Central America
Syn: ↑Aramus guarauna
Hypernyms: ↑wading bird, ↑wader
Member Holonyms: ↑Gruiformes, ↑order Gruiformes

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\\ˈku̇rlən, (ˈ)ku̇r|län\ noun (-s)
Etymology: French, alteration of courliri, from Galibi kurliri
: a long-billed bird (Aramus guarana) intermediate in some respects between the cranes and the rails that occurs in much of So. and Central America and is represented in Florida, Cuba, and Jamaica by the limpkin

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/koor"leuhn/, n.
the limpkin.
[ < F courlan Carib; akin to Galibi kurliri]

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courlan /kŭrˈlən/
Any bird of the American genus Aramus, related to the rails, esp the limpkin
ORIGIN: Fr, from a S American name

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[Fr.; ad. S. American name.]
A name sometimes given to S. American birds of the genus Aramus, closely related to the Rails.
In mod. Dicts.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.