
\\|zīgōˈmīˌsēt, |zig-, -ōˌmīˈsēt\ noun (-s)
Etymology: New Latin Zygomycetes
: a fungus of the subclass Zygomycetes

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/zuy'geuh muy"seet, -muy seet", zig'euh-/, n. Mycol.
any of a wide variety of common fungi constituting the phylum Zygomycota of the kingdom Fungi (or the class Zygomycetes of the kingdom Plantae), in which sexual reproduction is by the formation of zygospores.
[ < NL Zygomycetes (1874), var. name of the class; see ZYGO-, -MYCETE]

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zygomyceteˈ noun and adjective
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Main Entry:zygo-

Useful english dictionary. 2012.