
cry out
utter aloud; often with surprise, horror, or joy (Freq. 10)

`I won!' he exclaimed


`Help!' she cried


`I'm here,' the mother shouted when she saw her child looking lost

Syn: ↑exclaim, ↑cry, ↑outcry, ↑call out, ↑shout
Derivationally related forms: ↑shout (for: ↑shout), ↑exclamatory (for: ↑exclaim), ↑exclamation (for: ↑exclaim), ↑exclaiming (for: ↑exclaim)
Hypernyms: ↑express, ↑verbalize, ↑verbalise, ↑utter, ↑give tongue to
Hyponyms: ↑gee, ↑ooh, ↑aah
Verb Group:
call out, ↑shout, ↑shout out, ↑cry, ↑call, ↑yell, ↑scream, ↑holler, ↑hollo, ↑squall
Verb Frames:

Somebody ——s something


Somebody ——s that CLAUSE

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cry out [phrasal verb]
1 : to make a loud sound because of pain, fear, surprise, etc.

She cried out in pain.

2 cry out or cry out (something) : to speak in a loud voice : to say (something) loudly or from a distance

We could hear them on the shore crying out [=calling out] to us, so we waved.

She cried out for help.

“I'm stuck,” she cried out.

She cried out that she was stuck.

3 cry out against (something) : to say publicly that (something) is wrong or unfair : to protest (something)

People around the world are crying out against the government's civil rights abuses.

4 — used to say that something clearly needs or should have a particular thing, person, use, etc.;
— often + to be

A chair like this cries out to be used [=should definitely be used], not kept in some museum.

The meal cried out to be eaten with a nice white wine. [=it was obvious that the meal should be served with a white wine]

— often + for

The meal cried out for a nice white wine.

The job cries out for someone who's not afraid to take chances.

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Main Entry:cry

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ˌcry ˈout derived
to make a loud sound without words because you are hurt, afraid, surprised, etc

She tried to stop herself from crying out.


cry out in fear/alarm/pain
Main entry:cryderived

Useful english dictionary. 2012.