
current account
1. that part of the balance of payments recording a nation's exports and imports of goods and services and transfer payments
Hypernyms: ↑accounting
Part Holonyms: ↑balance of payments, ↑balance of international payments
2. a bank account against which the depositor can draw checks that are payable on demand
Syn: ↑checking account, ↑chequing account
Regions: ↑Britain, ↑Canada (for: ↑chequing account), ↑United States (for: ↑checking account)
Hypernyms: ↑bank account

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a. : an account between two parties having a series of transactions not covered by evidences of indebtedness (as notes or certificates) and usually subject to settlements at stated intervals (as monthly or quarterly) — called also account current, book account, open account, running account
b. : a statement or transcript of such an account
2. : an open account with a balance not yet due
3. : checking account — distinguished from deposit account

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1. Also called open account. an account of credits, debits, receipts, and expenditures between two individuals or companies, usually providing for settlement at the end of specified accounting periods.
2. (in certain foreign countries) a checking account.

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current account noun
A bank account on which one is usu not paid interest and from which money may be withdrawn by cheque
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Main Entry:current

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current account UK US noun [countable] [singular current account plural current accounts] british
a bank account that you can take money out of whenever you want using a cheque or a cash card . The American word is checking account .
Thesaurus: types of bank accounthyponym

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current account,
1. an account kept by a customer at a bank to meet his current expenses.
2. an account kept by two firms doing business with one another, to show their transactions.

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noun, pl ⋯ -counts [count]
Brit :checking account

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ˈcurrent account [current account current accounts] (BrE) (US ˈchecking account CanE ˈchequing account) noun
a type of bank account that you can take money out of at any time, and that provides you with a ↑chequebook and ↑cash card
compare deposit account
See also:checking account chequing account

Useful english dictionary. 2012.