
death camas
any of various plants of the genus Zigadenus having glaucous leaves and terminal racemes of mostly white flowers; all are poisonous
Syn: ↑zigadene
Hypernyms: ↑liliaceous plant
alkali grass, ↑Zigadenus elegans, ↑white camas, ↑Zigadenus glaucus, ↑poison camas, ↑Zigadenus nuttalli, ↑grassy death camas, ↑Zigadenus venenosus, ↑Zigadenus venenosus gramineus
Member Holonyms: ↑Zigadenus, ↑genus Zigadenus

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: any of several plants of the genus Zigadenus (as Z. venenosus and Z. glaucus) that cause poisoning of grazing animals in the western United States

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death camas or death camass,
1. a perennial plant of the lily family common in the western United States, with grasslike leaves, cream-colored flowers, and a bulb poisonous to cattle, sheep, and other grazing animals.
2. its bulb.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.