
v. (developed, developing)
1 tr. & intr. a make or become bigger or fuller or more elaborate or systematic (the new town developed rapidly). b bring or come to an active or visible state or to maturity (developed a plan of action).
2 tr. begin to exhibit or suffer from (developed a rattle).
3 tr. a construct new buildings on (land). b convert (land) to a new purpose so as to use its resources more fully.
4 tr. treat (photographic film etc.) to make the latent image visible.
5 tr. Mus. elaborate (a theme) by modification of the melody, harmony, rhythm, etc.
6 tr. Chess bring (a piece) into position for effective use.
Phrases and idioms:
developing country a poor or primitive country that is developing better economic and social conditions.
developer n.
Etymology: F deacutevelopper f. Rmc (as DIS-, orig. of second element unknown)

Useful english dictionary. 2012.