
digestive tract
tubular passage of mucous membrane and muscle extending about 8.3 meters from mouth to anus; functions in digestion and elimination
Syn: ↑alimentary canal, ↑alimentary tract, ↑digestive tube, ↑gastrointestinal tract, ↑GI tract
Hypernyms: ↑duct, ↑epithelial duct, ↑canal, ↑channel
Hyponyms: ↑enteron
Part Holonyms: ↑digestive system, ↑gastrointestinal system, ↑systema alimentarium, ↑systema digestorium
Part Meronyms:
stomach, ↑tummy, ↑tum, ↑breadbasket, ↑esophagus, ↑oesophagus, ↑gorge, ↑gullet, ↑small intestine, ↑large intestine, ↑throat, ↑pharynx

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digestive tract noun
The alimentary canal
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Main Entry:digest

Useful english dictionary. 2012.