
1. thrown into a state of disarray or confusion (Freq. 3)

troops fleeing in broken ranks


a confused mass of papers on the desk


the small disordered room


with everything so upset

Syn: ↑broken, ↑confused, ↑upset
Similar to: ↑disorganized, ↑disorganised
2. lacking orderly continuity (Freq. 1)

a confused set of instructions


a confused dream about the end of the world


disconnected fragments of a story


scattered thoughts

confused, ↑disconnected, ↑disjointed, ↑garbled, ↑illogical, ↑scattered, ↑unconnected
Similar to: ↑incoherent
Derivationally related forms: ↑illogicalness (for: ↑illogical), ↑disjointedness (for: ↑disjointed), ↑disconnectedness (for: ↑disconnected)
3. not arranged in order
Syn: ↑unordered
Ant: ↑ordered

Useful english dictionary. 2012.