a square-dance figure; two dancers approach each other and circle back to back before returning to their original places
• Hypernyms: ↑country-dance, ↑country dancing, ↑contredanse, ↑contra danse, ↑contradance
• Part Holonyms: ↑square dance, ↑square dancing
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noun or do-se-do also do-sa-do or dos-a-dos \\|dō(ˌ)sēˈdō sometimes -ōt(ˌ)sēˈ- or -ōˌsīˈ- or -ō(ˌ)chēˈ- or -ōsəˈ- or -ōzəˈ-\ (plural do-si-dos or do-se-dos) : a square-dance figure in which the dancers passing by right shoulder circle each other back to back
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/doh"see doh"/, n., pl. do-si-dos, v., do-si-doed, do-si-doing.
1. a figure in square-dancing, in which two persons advance, pass around each other back to back, and return to their places.
2. to dance this figure around (one's partner).
3. to execute a do-si-do.
[see DOS--DOS]
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to execute a dos-à-dos.
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['dō sē 'dō] 1.(also dos-à-dos) n. (pl. -dos) (in square dancing, and other country dancing) a figure in which two dancers pass around each other back to back and return to their original positions
v. [intrans.] dance a do-si-do
1920s: alteration of dos-à-dos
Useful english dictionary. 2012.