
double first
a first-class honours degree in two subjects
Regions: ↑United Kingdom, ↑UK, ↑U.K., ↑Britain, ↑United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, ↑Great Britain
Hypernyms: ↑first, ↑first-class honours degree

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1. : first-class honors in two different subjects especially at Cambridge and Oxford universities
2. : a student who takes a double first

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Brit. Univ.
1. a first in two subjects.
2. a student who earns a first in two subjects.

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double first noun
1. A university degree with first-class honours in two different subjects
2. A person who has such a degree
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Main Entry:double

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double first UK US noun [countable] [singular double first plural double firsts] british
a university degree in which you have studied two subjects and have received the highest mark for both subjects
Thesaurus: degrees and other academic qualificationshyponym

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double first,
1. the highest honors in two subjects at an English university.
2. a student who wins these honors.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.