
1. relatively long in duration; tediously protracted

a drawn-out argument


an extended discussion


a lengthy visit from her mother-in-law


a prolonged and bitter struggle


protracted negotiations

Syn: ↑extended, ↑lengthy, ↑prolonged, ↑protracted
Similar to: ↑long
Derivationally related forms: ↑length (for: ↑lengthy), ↑lengthiness (for: ↑lengthy)
2. (used of speech) uttered slowly with prolonged vowels
Similar to: ↑slow

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\\ˈ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷\ adjective
: stretched to great or greater length

the story of a simple-minded girl whose sweetness manages to survive drawn-out brutality — Newsweek

especially : made to seem or be longer than desirable or normal (as by monotony)

that lecture was long and drawn-out

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/drawn"owt"/, adj.

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drawn-out UK US adjective
continuing for a long time so that you become bored

a long-drawn-out explanation

Thesaurus: continuing or existing for too longsynonym

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drawn-out «DRN OWT», adjective.
extended; prolonged; tedious: »

a long and drawn-out story.

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adj. often long-drawn-out lasting or seeming to last longer than is necessary

a long-drawn-out courtship

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adj [more \drawn-out; most \drawn-out]
: continuing for or taking a long time

We're trying to avoid a drawn-out process.

— compare long-drawn-out

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ˌdrawn-ˈout 7 [drawn-out] adjective
= long-drawn-out

Useful english dictionary. 2012.