bibli- /bi-bli-/
combining form
Denoting book or books
ORIGIN: Gr biblion book; cf ↑bible
• • •
bibliographer /-ogˈrə-fər/ noun
1. A person versed in bibliography
2. The compiler of a bibliography
bibliographic /-ə-grafˈik/ or bibliographˈical /-əl/ adjective
bibliogˈraphy noun
1. The study, description or knowledge of books, in regard to their outward form, authors, subjects, editions and history
2. A list of books on a particular subject or by a single author
3. A list of the works referred to in the process of writing a book, article, etc
bibliolater /-olˈə-tər/ or bibliolˈatrist noun
A person given to bibliolatry
bibliolˈatrous adjective
bibliolˈatry noun
(Gr latreiā worship) a superstitious reverence for a book, esp the Bible
bibliological /-ō-lojˈi-kəl/ adjective
bibliologist /-olˈə-jist/ noun
bibliolˈogy noun
1. Bibliography
2. Booklore
bibˈliomancy /-man-si/ noun
(Gr manteiā divination) divination by opening the Bible or other book at random
bibˈliomane noun
bibliomāˈnia noun
1. (Gr maniā madness) a mania for collecting or possessing books
2. Love of books
bibliomāˈniac adjective
bibliomaniacal /-mə-nīˈə-kəl/ adjective
bibliopegic /-pejˈik/ adjective (Gr pēgnynai to fix)
bibliopegist /-opˈi-jist/ noun
1. A bookbinder
2. A fancier of bindings
bibliopˈegy noun
The fine art of bookbinding
bibliophagist /-ofˈə-jist/ noun
(Gr phagein to eat) a voracious reader
bibˈliophil or bibˈliophile /-fil, -fīl/ noun
(Gr philos friend) a lover or collector of books (also adjective)
bibliophˈilism noun
bibliophˈilist noun
bibliophˈily noun
bibliophōˈbia noun
(Gr phobeein to fear) hatred of books
bibˈliopole noun (Gr pōlēs seller; archaic)
A bookseller
bibliopolic /-polˈik/ or bibliopolˈical /-əl/ adjective
bibliopˈolist noun
bibliopˈoly noun (archaic)
bibliothēˈca noun
1. (Gr bibliothēkē from thēkē repository) a library
2. A bibliography
3. A series of books
bibliothˈecary noun (rare)
A librarian
Useful english dictionary. 2012.