
amaranth family
cosmopolitan family of herbs and shrubs
Syn: ↑Amaranthaceae, ↑family Amaranthaceae
Hypernyms: ↑caryophylloid dicot family
Member Holonyms: ↑Caryophyllales, ↑order Caryophyllales, ↑Chenopodiales, ↑order-Chenopodiales
Member Meronyms:
Amaranthus, ↑genus Amaranthus, ↑Alternanthera, ↑genus Alternanthera, ↑Celosia, ↑genus Celosia, ↑Froelichia, ↑genus Froelichia, ↑Gomphrena, ↑genus Gomphrena, ↑Iresine, ↑genus Iresine, ↑Telanthera, ↑genus Telanthera

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: amaranthaceae

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the plant family Amaranthaceae, typified by herbaceous, often weedy plants having alternate or opposite leaves and small, chaffy flowers without petals in brightly colored dense clusters, including the cockscomb, pigweed, and amaranth.

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amaranth family,
a group of dicotyledonous plants, chiefly weedy herbs of warm regions, including the amaranth, cockscomb, and some of the pigweeds.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.