
exclamation mark
a punctuation mark (!) used after an exclamation
Syn: ↑exclamation point
Hypernyms: ↑punctuation, ↑punctuation mark

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see exclamation point

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exclamation mark UK US noun [countable] [singular exclamation mark plural exclamation marks]
the mark ! used in writing to show that someone says something suddenly and loudly because they are surprised, impressed, angry etc
Thesaurus: punctuationhyponym

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exclamation mark or exclamation point,
a mark of punctuation used after a word, phrase, or sentence to show that it was exclaimed. Example: Hurrah! We are going to the circus. The exclamation mark is also used within parentheses, to suggest that some statement or situation is remarkable, absurd, or the like: »

“The poet John Milton was born in Connecticut” (!).

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In British English, the punctuation mark used as the end of an exclamation (!) is called an exclamation mark. In American English, it is called an exclamation point. See entry at ↑ Punctuation.

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exclaˈmation mark [exclamation mark] (especially BrE) (NAmE usually exclaˈmation point) noun
the mark (!) that is written after an exclamation

Useful english dictionary. 2012.