
eye muscle
one of the small muscles of the eye that serve to rotate the eyeball
Syn: ↑ocular muscle
Hypernyms: ↑muscle, ↑musculus
abducens muscle, ↑lateral rectus muscle, ↑lateral rectus, ↑rectus lateralis, ↑inferior rectus muscle, ↑inferior rectus, ↑rectus inferior, ↑medial rectus muscle, ↑medial rectus, ↑rectus medialis, ↑superior rectus muscle, ↑superior rectus, ↑rectus superior
Part Holonyms: ↑eye, ↑oculus, ↑optic

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: either of two long large muscles one of which runs along the right side of the backbone and the other along the left side of the backbone — called also longissimus dorsi

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eye muscle noun
1. A muscle controlling the eye or a part of it
2. A long muscle running down the back beside the spine
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Main Entry:eye

Useful english dictionary. 2012.