
it's a fair cop
it’s a fair cop british informal phrase
used for admitting that you have done something wrong
Thesaurus: ways of admitting somethingsynonym
Main entry: cop

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see fair I
Brit. an admission that the speaker has been caught doing wrong and deserves punishment

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it's a fair cop
Brit informal
— used to admit that you did something wrong and were caught fairly

I'm annoyed about the speeding ticket, but it's a fair cop.

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Main Entry:cop
it's a fair cop — see cop, 1
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Main Entry:fair

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it's a fair ˈcop f15 idiom
(BrE, informal, humorous) used by sb who is caught doing sth wrong, to say that they admit that they are wrong
Main entry:fairidiom

Useful english dictionary. 2012.