
fasten on

take up new ideas

Syn: ↑take up, ↑latch on, ↑hook on, ↑seize on
Hypernyms: ↑espouse, ↑embrace, ↑adopt, ↑sweep up
Verb Frames:

Somebody ——s PP


Somebody ——s something

(for: ↑take up)

* * *

fasten on [phrasal verb]
fasten (something) on (something) or fasten on (something) : to direct (something, such as your eyes or attention) to (something)

They fastened their eyes on the distant ship. [=they looked at it steadily]

She fastened her attention on the problem. [=she gave all her attention to the problem]

They had fastened the blame on the wrong man. [=they had blamed the wrong man]

She fastened [=pinned] (all) her hopes on getting the job.

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Main Entry:fasten

Useful english dictionary. 2012.