
true to form
true to form/type/ phrase
used for saying that someone is doing exactly what you expected because this is what they usually do

True to form, Tony asked to borrow some more money.

Thesaurus: words used to describe someone's personalityhyponym general words for a person's charactersynonym
Main entry: true

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(or type) being or behaving as expected

true to form, they took it well

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true to form
◇ Something or someone that is (or runs, holds, etc.) true to form behaves or proceeds in the usual and expected way.

Her latest movie is/runs true to form.

True to form, he was 20 minutes late for the meeting.

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Main Entry:form
true to form — see form, 1
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Main Entry:true

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true to ˈform idiom
used to say that sb is behaving in the way that you expect them to behave, especially when this is annoying

True to form, she managed to upset everyone before leaving.

Main entry:trueidiom

Useful english dictionary. 2012.