
1. ornamental evergreen shrub of southeastern United States having small white bell-shaped flowers
Syn: ↑mountain fetterbush, ↑mountain andromeda, ↑Pieris floribunda
Hypernyms: ↑shrub, ↑bush
Member Holonyms: ↑Pieris, ↑genus Pieris
2. showy evergreen shrub of southeastern United States with shiny leaves and angled branches and clusters of pink to reddish flowers that resemble an umbel
Syn: ↑fetter bush, ↑shiny lyonia, ↑Lyonia lucida
Hypernyms: ↑shrub, ↑bush
Member Holonyms: ↑Lyonia, ↑genus Lyonia

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\\ˈ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷\ noun
1. : a showy shrub (Lyonia lucida) of the southern United States with persistent leaves and angled branchlets
2. : mountain fetterbush
3. : a plant of the genus Leucothoe

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/fet"euhr boosh'/, n.
1. an evergreen shrub, Lyonia lucida, of the heath family, native to the southern U.S., having clusters of fragrant, white flowers.
2. a similar shrub, Pieris floribunda, having long upright clusters of small white flowers.
3. any of several heathlike shrubs of the southern U.S.
[1855-60, Amer.; FETTER + BUSH1; so called because it impedes walkers]

Useful english dictionary. 2012.