
n. & v.
1 a thin coating or covering layer.
2 Photog. a strip or sheet of plastic or other flexible base coated with light-sensitive emulsion for exposure in a camera, either as individual visual representations or as a sequence which form the illusion of movement when shown in rapid succession.
3 a a representation of a story, episode, etc., on a film, with the illusion of movement. b a story represented in this way. c (in pl.) the cinema industry.
4 a slight veil or haze etc.
5 a dimness or morbid growth affecting the eyes.
6 a fine thread or filament .
1 a tr. make a photographic film of (a scene, person, etc.). b tr. (also absol.) make a cinema or television film of (a book etc.). c intr. be (well or ill) suited for reproduction on film.
2 tr. & intr. cover or become covered with or as with a film.
Phrases and idioms:
film-goer a person who frequents the cinema. film star a celebrated actor or actress in films. film-strip a series of transparencies in a strip for projection.
Etymology: OE filmen membrane f. WG, rel. to FELL(5)

Useful english dictionary. 2012.