
flashlight fish
1. fish of deep dark waters having a light organ below each eye
Syn: ↑Photoblepharon palpebratus
Hypernyms: ↑spiny-finned fish, ↑acanthopterygian
2. fish having a luminous organ beneath eye; of warm waters of the western Pacific and Puerto Rico
Syn: ↑anomalops
Hypernyms: ↑spiny-finned fish, ↑acanthopterygian
Member Holonyms: ↑genus Anomalops

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any of several fishes, esp. Photoblepharon palpebratus, inhabiting deep, dark waters and having light organs that can be closed with a lid.

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flashlight fish,
any one of a family of fishes that emit light from special luminescent organs.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.