
bushy herb of tropical Asia grown for its yellow or pink to scarlet blooms that resemble the hibiscus
Syn: ↑musk mallow, ↑Abelmoschus moschatus, ↑Hibiscus moschatus
Hypernyms: ↑mallow
Member Holonyms: ↑Abelmoschus, ↑genus Abelmoschus

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/ay"beuhl mosk'/, n.
a tropical plant, Abelmoschus moschatus, of the mallow family, cultivated for its musky seeds, which yield ambrette-seed oil. Also called musk mallow.
[1765-75; NL abelmoschus < Ar habb al-musk musk seed, equiv. to habb seed + al the + musk ( Pers; see MUSK)]

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[ad. mod.L. abelmoschus, ad. Arab. abu'l-misk father, i.e. source, of musk.]
A genus of plants of the family Malvaceae, of which one species (A. esculentus) is cultivated in the south of France for its pods.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.