
freight train
a railroad train consisting of freight cars
Syn: ↑rattler
Hypernyms: ↑train, ↑railroad train
Hyponyms: ↑freight liner, ↑liner train
Member Meronyms: ↑cabin car, ↑caboose, ↑freight car

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a train of freight cars.

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freight train UK US noun [countable] [singular freight train plural freight trains]
a train that carries goods
Thesaurus: types of train or railway systemhyponym parts of trains, trams and cable carsmeronym

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freight train,
a railroad train of freight cars.

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noun, pl ⋯ trains [count]
: a train that carries goods : a train that carries freight

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ˈfreight train [freight train] (BrE also ˈgoods train) noun
a train that carries only goods
See also:goods train

Useful english dictionary. 2012.