
Austrian neurologist who originated psychoanalysis (1856-1939) (Freq. 1)
Syn: ↑Sigmund Freud
Derivationally related forms: ↑Freudian
Instance Hypernyms: ↑neurologist, ↑brain doctor, ↑analyst, ↑psychoanalyst

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/froyd/; Ger. /frddoyt/, n.
1. Anna, 1895-1982, British psychoanalyst, born in Austria (daughter of Sigmund Freud).
2. Lucian, born 1932, British painter, born in Germany.
3. Sigmund /sig"meuhnd/; Ger. /zeekh"moont/, 1856-1939, Austrian neurologist: founder of psychoanalysis.

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I [froid]
Anna (1895 - 1982), British psychoanalyst; born in Austria; the youngest child of Sigmund Freud. She introduced important innovations in method and theory to her father's work, notably with regard to disturbed children, and set up a child therapy course and clinic in London
Lucian (1922 - ), German-born British painter, grandson of Sigmund Freud. His subjects, typically portraits and nudes, are painted in a powerful naturalistic style based on firm draftsmanship and often using striking angles
Sigmund (1856 - 1939), Austrian neurologist and psychotherapist. He was the first to emphasize the significance of unconscious processes in normal and neurotic behavior and was the founder of psychoanalysis as both a theory of personality and a therapeutic practice. He proposed the existence of an unconscious element in the mind that influences consciousness and of conflicts in it between various sets of forces. His theory of the sexual origin of neuroses aroused great controversy

Useful english dictionary. 2012.