
fruit fly
any of numerous small insects whose larvae feed on fruits
Syn: ↑pomace fly
Hypernyms: ↑dipterous insect, ↑two-winged insects, ↑dipteran, ↑dipteron
apple maggot, ↑railroad worm, ↑Rhagoletis pomonella, ↑Mediterranean fruit fly, ↑medfly, ↑Ceratitis capitata, ↑drosophila, ↑Drosophila melanogaster, ↑vinegar fly

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: any of various small acalyptrate flies whose larvae feed on fruit or decaying vegetable matter: as
a. : a member of the genus Drosophila
b. : any of various members of the family Trypetidae (as the Mediterranean fruit fly)

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1. any of numerous small dipterous insects of the family Tephritidae, the larvae of which feed on the fruit of various plants.
2. See vinegar fly.
3. drosophila.

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fruit fly noun
A fly of the genus Drosophila that feeds on decaying fruit
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Main Entry:fruit

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fruit fly UK US noun [countable] [singular fruit fly plural fruit flies]
a very small fly that eats decaying fruit
Thesaurus: types of insecthyponym parts of insectsmeronym

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fruit fly,
any one of various small flies whose larvae feed on fruits and vegetables. Fruit flies are used in scientific studies of heredity, because of the large size of the chromosomes and the rapidity of generation.

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n. a small fly that feeds on fruit in both its adult and larval stages. Families Drosophilidae and Tephritidae: many genera. See also drosophila

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noun, pl ⋯ flies [count]
: a small fly that eats fruit or rotting vegetables

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ˈfruit fly [fruit fly fruit flies] noun
a small fly that eats plants that are decaying, especially fruit

Useful english dictionary. 2012.