
a family of languages of the Fulani of West Africa and used as a lingua franca in the sub-Saharan regions from Senegal to Chad; the best known of the West African languages
Syn: ↑Fula, ↑Fulani, ↑Peul
Hypernyms: ↑West African

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see fula

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/fool/, n., pl. Fuls, (esp. collectively) Ful.

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Ful «ful», noun, plural Ful or Fuls.
1. a language belonging to the Niger-Congo group, spoken by the Fula and Fulani.
2. one of the Fula or Fulani.
suffix added to nouns to form adjectives or other nouns.
1. full of _____: »

Cheerful = full of cheer.

2. showing _____: »

Careful = showing care.

3. having a tendency to _____: »

Harmful = having a tendency to harm.

4. enough to fill a _____: »

Cupful = enough to fill a cup.

5. that can be of _____: »

Useful = that can be of use.

6. having the qualities of _____: »

Masterful = having the qualities of a master.

[Old English -ful, use of adjective full full1]
Usage Nouns ending in -ful take the plural suffix at the end: »

cupfuls, handfuls, spoonfuls.

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obs. form of foul.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.