
gas jet
burner such that combustible gas issues from a nozzle to form a steady flame (Freq. 3)
Syn: ↑gas burner
Hypernyms: ↑burner
bunsen burner, ↑bunsen, ↑etna, ↑gas ring, ↑pilot burner, ↑pilot light, ↑pilot
Part Meronyms: ↑nozzle, ↑nose

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: a flame of illuminating gas; also : gas burner

ill-kept glass box lit by a small gas jet — W.J.Locke

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1. See gas burner (def. 1).
2. a flame of illuminating gas.

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gas jet noun
1. A jet of gas
2. A gas-flame
3. The perforated part of a gas-fitting where the gas issues and is burnt, a burner
• • •
Main Entry:gas

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gas jet,
1. a small nozzle of a gas fixture.
2. a flame of gas.

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1) another term for gas burner
2) a flame of illuminated gas from a gas burner

Useful english dictionary. 2012.