
n. a native or inhabitant of ancient Gaul.
Etymology: Gaul the country f. F Gaule f. Gmc

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1. a Celt of ancient Gaul
Derivationally related forms: ↑Gallic
Hypernyms: ↑Celt, ↑Kelt
Hyponyms: ↑Galatian
2. an ancient region of western Europe that included what is now northern Italy and France and Belgium and part of Germany and the Netherlands
Syn: ↑Gallia
Instance Hypernyms: ↑geographical area, ↑geographic area, ↑geographical region, ↑geographic region
3. a person of French descent
Syn: ↑frog
Derivationally related forms: ↑Gallic
Hypernyms: ↑Frenchman, ↑Frenchwoman, ↑French person

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\\ˈgȯl\ noun (-s)
Usage: capitalized
Etymology: from Gaul, ancient region of Europe including most of what is now France and in earliest times also including northern Italy, from French Gaule, from Latin Gallia
1. : a member of the Celtic people that inhabited ancient Gaul as well as areas in the Balkans and Asia Minor — compare galatian
2. : frenchman

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/gawl/, n.
1. an ancient region in W Europe, including the modern areas of N Italy, France, Belgium, and the S Netherlands: consisted of two main divisions, one part S of the Alps (Cisalpine Gaul) and another part N of the Alps (Transalpine Gaul).
2. Latin, Gallia. a province of the ancient Roman Empire, including the territory corresponding to modern France, Belgium, the S Netherlands, Switzerland, N Italy, and Germany W of the Rhine.
3. an inhabitant of the ancient region of Gaul.
4. a native or inhabitant of France.

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Gaul /göl/
1. A name given to ancient France
2. An inhabitant of Gaul
ORIGIN: Fr Gaule, from L Gallia, Gallus; perh connected with OE wealh foreign
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Gaulˈish adjective
Of or relating to Gaul or the Gauls
The Celtic (Brythonic) language of the Gauls

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Gaul «gl», noun.
1. an ancient region in western Europe. It included what is now France, Belgium, Luxembourg, and parts of the Netherlands, Switzerland, Germany, and northern Italy.
2. one of the Celtic inhabitants of ancient Gaul.
3. a Frenchman.
4. France.
[< Middle French Gaule < Medieval Latin Gallia France < Latin, Gaul < Gallus a Gaul]

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I [gôl]
an ancient region in Europe that corresponds to modern France, Belgium, the southern Netherlands, southwestern Germany, and northern Italy. The area south of the Alps was conquered in 222 bc by the Romans, who called it Cisalpine Gaul. The area north of the Alps, known as Transalpine Gaul, was taken by Julius Caesar between 58 and 51 bc
n. a native or inhabitant of ancient Gaul
from Latin Gallus, probably of Celtic origin

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see gall.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.